If a picture is worth a thousand words, what’s a great photo worth? We know that when it comes to showcasing your club, capturing the authenticity and identity of your club through great visuals helps to promote the best of what you have to offer. So here are some tips to help you get that perfect shot:
You don’t always need a Digital SLR! With the advancement of technology these days, the majority of smartphones are already equipped with great cameras. And since they’re compact and always with you, you’ll be able to capture every exciting moment easily. Go ahead, don’t be shy to use what’s in your pocket!
All You Need Is Light. What’s the best accessory to help you get the best shots? Plain old light! You don’t need any fancy new gadget to help you take great photos. Just make sure you are taking photos in well-lit areas and that light is hitting your subject.
It’s All About the Angles. One way to get great photos is to shoot your subject from interesting angles. Get down low, up high or up close; making use of angles to capture your shots are almost always guaranteed to bring visual interest.
Don’t Plan for It. The best photos are sometimes those that are candid! While getting everyone to stand in line and smile is great, some of the most memorable pictures come when they’re snapped authentically and unplanned. Always be ready and shoot more pictures than you need. There’s bound to be some great shots captured in between.
Don’t have time for your own photos? Take advantage of the BGC Canada Photo Library! Hop onto bgcbrand.com to access the club library for free, approved-to-be-used photos. Need help? Rest assured that the WebBGC team is here to help. Just ask!